Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Hello everyone,
My name is Sami Miller and I am currently in my last year at the university of Colorado Denver. I am a psychology major and also double minor in criminal justice and sociology.
  I also have a passion for running, yoga, and the outdoors.  I just turned 21 years old a couple of weeks ago and in the short time I have been alive, I have never had the privilege (or the money) to travel to Europe....more specifically, Italy.  I love the culture and the food that Italy has to offer.  Seeing pictures of Italy has convinced me more that it would make a beautiful trip as well as a perfect blog topic.  Venice, Italy will be the place I am writing this blog about, which you've probably already deduced from the title!  I've chosen Venice because I think it's fascinating to have an entire city surrounded by water.  It's uniqueness in its architecture and landscape makes it a fascinating city to analyze using new geographical concepts that I'm learning in my Geography 1202 class!  So, for the rest of the semester I will be using this blog to reflect and discuss interesting facts that I come across using the knowledge I gain from my class.   Stick around for more!